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CMDA educates computational problem solvers.  Do you want to gain insights from data, develop models of the world, and compute fast enough to matter?  CMDA majors deploy these skills across many passions, from climate science to sports analytics, from financial modeling to cybersecurity.  If you enjoy combining cutting-edge ideas from statistics, applied math, and computer science, you are a great match for CMDA.

CMDA Degree Options


Standard Option

The most common option — with restricted electives, you can specialize in computer science, math, or statistics, or develop breadth across these disciplines.

Biological Sciences

Build a foundation in biology, then specialize in topics such as cell cycle modeling, population ecology, or infectious disease spread.


Cryptography & Cybersecurity

Apply data skills in the modern security environment, equipped with an advanced sequence in cryptography and additional courses in computer science.


With a background in micro and macroeconomics and econometrics, apply data science for crafting public policy, banking or finance.


Apply data and modeling to learn how the planet works, then specialize in applications of CMDA to climate change or energy.


Combine CMDA with a deep dive into physics, to learn from the voluminous data produced by modern physics experiments.

Mark Embree, professor of mathematics, with students in his Computational Modeling and Data Analytics capstone project class.

2 male and 1 female student laugh while sitting around a classroom table

Want to learn more?

You can learn more about our program by scheduling an in-person visit, connecting virtually with a student ambassador, or contacting one of our dedicated CMDA advisors. We look forward to meeting you!