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Computational Modeling & Data Analytics

Computational Modeling and Data Analytics

The Computational Modeling and Data Analytics (CMDA) program draws on expertise from three primary departments at Virginia Tech with strengths in quantitative science:  MathematicsStatistics, and Computer Science. By combining elements of these disciplines in innovative, integrated courses that emphasize techniques at the forefront of applied computation, we teach a rich suite of quantitative skills for tackling today's massive data-based problems. 

Data visualization class held in the Athenaeum classroom in Newman Library.

digital literacy

What can you do with a CMDA degree?

The CMDA requirements give students the flexibility to dive deeply into a particular area through choice of electives, a disciplinary track, or a minor or double major. Ultimately, our program is for anyone who seeks to better understand the world through data and computation.

Career Opportunities

  • Environment / energy / sustainability
  • Management consulting / government contracting
  • Healthcare
  • Banking / financial services / insurance
  • Medical / biomedical / pharmaceutical
  • Sports analytics
  • National security / defense / space / crypto
  • Design and manufacturing
  • Big tech / cloud computing
  • Media and marketing
  • Public policy

Connect with CMDA

woman sits and speaks with two teenage girls

Three students stand around a poster listing the external partners for the 2021-2022 CMDA Capstone Project Program. Photo by Julia Kell for Virginia Tech.

Three students stand around a poster that features logos of capstone partners.

Want to work with us?
Become a Capstone sponsor.

Work with our undergraduate students to solve complex problems using data. Learn more about our Capstone program and other corporate partnership opportunities.

Our Mission

CMDA educates principled data scientists who use their strong foundation in applied math, statistics, and scientific computing to solve problems of consequence that drive impact across society.